The History of Donation Told
The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless.
Read Moreयाईलाही दे मुफदरत रहूँ राजी व रज़ा महबूबे इलाहि शाह राधामोहन लाल जी औलिया के वास्ते || परमसंत समर्थ सद्गुरु परमपूज्य महात्मा राधामोहन लाल जी महाराज का जन्म एक अद्भुद तरह से हुआ | आपको बुजुर्गों ने महबूबे अल्लाह कहा है | हज़रत सल्ले अल्लाह वसल्लम सरकारे दुआलम के बाद इस शज़रे में आपको अल्लाह के महबूब कि पदवी प्राप्त हुई | जिसको बुजुर्गों नें तहे दिल से स्वीकार किया | आप एक अजीब और गरीब क़िस्म के फ़कीर हुए | जिनकी हालत को पाना नामुमकिन है | आपको चच्चा जी महाराज के गुरुमहाराज जी खलीफा अल्लाह कहते थे | आपके जन्म का वख्या अजीब है | परमपूज्य चच्चा जी महाराज के सद्गुरु महाराज समाधी की स्थिति में अर्थात पूजा कर रहे थे | पूजा में गैप से आवाज़ आई कि मैं जिस्म धारण करना चाहता हूँ | ये आवाज़ खुदा की थी | जिसमें ये इज़हार किया परमपूज्य चच्चा जी महाराज के यहाँ खुदा रहमते इलाहि जिस्म धारण करके आने वाला है | ये चच्चा जी के गुरुमहाराज जी नें पूजा के बाद फ़रमाया कि नन्हे (जो कि चच्चा जी के घर का नाम था) तुम्हारे यहाँ अल्लाह स्वयं पैदा होने वाला है | आज पूजा में ये हुकुम हुआ है | ये १८९७ में इल्ह्म हुआ और उसी वक्त आपने हुजुर का नाम राधामोहन लाल जी रख दिया | २४ अक्टूबर १८९८ में दीपावली के पावन पर्व पर प्रातः काल ५ बजे परमपूज्य राधामोहन लाल जी का जन्म हुआ |
Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who
needs more helping!
Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who needs more helping!
Goal: $45000
Raised: $5000
Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who needs more helping!
Goal: $45000
Raised: $5000
Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who needs more helping!
Goal: $45000
Raised: $5000
The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless.
The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless.
Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who
needs more helping!
The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless.
Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who
needs more helping!
Started On: 12:00 PM.
Grand Mahal, Dubai 2100.
Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who needs more helping!
Read MoreStarted On: 12:00 PM.
Grand Mahal, Dubai 2100.
Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who needs more helping!
Read MoreStarted On: 12:00 PM.
Grand Mahal, Dubai 2100.
Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who needs more helping!
Read MoreHelp today because tomorrow you may be the one who
needs more helping!
The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless.
The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless.
The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless.
The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless.
Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who
needs more helping!
The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless.
Read MoreThe secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless.
Read MoreThe secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless.
Read More